Galactic Glizzies



Greetings Earthlings,

If you’re here, that means you have made contact with the Galactic Glizzy federation. Please be warned, should you choose to venture into our side of the Galaxy, you will be subject to a probing of your mind like no other, you may never sleep the same again.

Galactic Glizzies

Galactic Glizzies (@GalacticGlizzie) is the brainchild of my demented thoughts. I have worked tirelessly over the course of the last few months to bring you my contribution on the blockchain. My Galactic Glizzies collection is an extension of who I am as an artist, I hope you thoroughly enjoy the art, as much as I have had creating it. You won’t be minting the next “big” project, or something you can 10x on overnight, but you will be minting a piece of me. It is my hope you spread my creations far across your own galaxy, and know you supported a ordinary Web3 Artist on my path to building on a decentralized platform. Which faction will you belong to? What powers does your Glizzy possess? How will the community add to our lore? Time to make first contact, I look forward to seeing you in our Galaxy.
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  • Twitter page

The Galactic Lore

  • Actuarian

    Actuarian General

    Acturian starseeds are those who carry a wisdom of other worlds and dimensions with them. They have the ability to see into different realities and can be intuitive or clairvoyant when it comes to certain things that happen on Earth. Acturians might feel some sense of knowing, as if they’ve been here before even though they haven’t.

  • Atlantean/Lemurian

    Atlantean/Lemurian General

    Lemurians and Atlanteans were the first two Starseed tribes to create a direct line of exchange with races from other planets. As a result of their innovation and advancement, both of these Starseed types flourish on Earth. Despite their lost lands, the ideas and technologies that were developed have not been lost. The most advanced of these souls were rescued after their homes were destroyed and became Starseeds that work throughout the Universe. The divine purpose of these two Starseed types is to help humanity ascend into its Golden Age.

  • Maldek

    Maldek General

    Maldek starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity understand the value of unconditional love. They can feel very deeply and may want more intimacy than other people do- but this is a time they’re just feeling their feelings because that’s what it takes for them to heal. Maldeks might also be here with some strong healing abilities and may want to use them for themselves or others.

  • Pleiadian

    Pleiadian General

    Pleiadians are a matriarchal society placing value on women, children, and families. They exist within a fifth-dimensional frequency, a place where creativity and love were created This group of souls is the most human-like, however the depths of their emotions and spiritual selves are far more evolved than their counterparts. They have been sent to Earth with the divine purpose of expanding the collective consciousness and allowing for its evolution to continue.

  • Andromedan

    Andromedan General

    Andromedan starseeds come from the constellation of Andromeda in order to help heal and bring balance. They tend not to be here for long periods of time, but instead they may make a few trips back-and-forth between Earth and their home planet while also being able to live on Earth as one of its citizens. Andromedans might feel like they are in two worlds- one that is too busy and active, and the other where there may not be enough to do.

  • Lightworker

    Lightworker General

    Lightworker starseeds are those who have come to Earth in order to be a beacon of light for others, and also help raise spiritual awareness. They often feel like they need to do something more meaningful with their lives because the opportunities here on Earth can seem too limited or confining- it’s not enough for them! Lightworkers might also feel like they are here to help redefine what it means to be human, and become more than just a physical being.

  • Orion

    Orion General

    Orion starseeds are those who have been sent to Earth with the intention of being a bridge between worlds. They’ve come from higher realms in order to help heal and bring balance to our planet, but they’re often misunderstood because their spirit energy is very different than that of earthlings.

  • Sirian

    Sirian General

    Sirian starseeds are those who have come to Earth from the planet Sirius in order to learn about themselves. They often find it difficult living on Earth because they feel homesick- like a piece of them is missing and they can’t put their finger on what it might be. Sirians may not understand attachment or emotional connections, but they can be extremely loving and loyal when they find someone who understands them.

The Galaxy

The galaxy
Chapter 1 is already written.
The rest of the story is up to our holders, we would like to invite you to finish the story with us of this interactive fiction epic.
Similar to a Netflix Interactive TV show where the viewers make the character's decisions; Each week holders will vote on character/faction decisions that will determine the next chapter of the story.
The faction that takes over the galaxy will be rewarded all the treasures the galaxy has to offer.



6Paths (@sixplague) is a self-taught artist/meme connoisseur working in the web3 domain. Through his elicit and graphic art, 6Paths has captivated various audiences across multiple platforms. While Meme’s are a relatively new form of art, 6Paths has been steadfast, blazing a trail like no other. Keep your eyes peeled back, and prepare to be shocked in awe as his creations find their way to your screen.